Brisket Smoke



TVWBB Super Fan
Well I smoked a brisket uncovered at 225 on the Mini WSM last night and it's my first cook on anything charcoal or Weber in over a month. I pulled it off after it hit 170 internal and then wrapped it in foil and finished it in a 225 degree oven that way I wouldn't have to fool with adjusting the mini WSM at all and be able to get some stuff done upstairs for school.

Anyone feel like using the oven to cook a piece of meat to tenderness is cheating? I know that my dad ALWAYS takes his Boston butts off about three hours before they are done and finishes them in the crockpot of all places, but they always tend to turn out great and they have a little bit of au jus in the bottom. THe only downside I can see is that he loses a good bit of the bark, but maybe he could fix that by throwing it under a broiler or on the grill for a few minutes after he takes it out.

I tried using the broiler on this brisket after it has hit 205 internal and probed fairly tender and it did an okay job at firming up the bark that the tinfoil had softened. I think I should have spritzed it with apple cider and a bit of cooking spray though so that the heat transfer would have been even and had some moisture and oil for color.

I will say that this is my first brisket that has ever probed to tenderness but it was a bit on the dry side. It sliced pretty tough when it had cool, but when reheated for a sec in the microwave the 1/4" slices were pretty tender and had just a touch of chew which I guess is what you want. I don't imagine you'd want it to fall apart into pieces on a sandwich or when slicing in the first place. Much better than my last one that crumbled to pieces, although that one was made edible by mixing the pieces with sauce for sandwiches and the rest for stir-fried lo mein noodles.

Think the touch of dryness dryness was from the thickness of the brisket though? Forgot to mention that it was about 3/4" thick at one end and had pretty much 80% of the fat removed from it. It was a choice cut brisket BTW. Thanks guys, maybe I can figure out how to get my next one probe tender and melt in your mouth juicy.
Dry and tough indicates that it wasn't cooked long enough. Was this a flat or a packer? Check for tender where the point meats the flat.
It is hard to say for sure, because Bob is right that what you described normally indicates it was undercooked. But I think that putting it under the broiler may have been the problem. I am assuming since you said you were using a mini you made a flat. Hopefully you didn't go wild and trim too much fat away and I am assuming you added some liquid when you foiled. Assuming you did not, then the way you describe doing it is the way I do brisket cooking it to 205. Once I commit to foiling, I leave it foiled. I then let it rest a good hour in the foil. I might give up some on the bark, but the meat itself if always very succulent and juicy. I think that when you opened the foil and ran it under the broiler, the juices had not settled back into the meat and the broiler dryed it out. Just my thoughts.
Anyone feel like using the oven to cook a piece of meat to tenderness is cheating?

In a word, NO!!!

I'm a weekend smoker, I don't have the time nor inclination to smoke a full brisket 12+ hours. After 4-5 hours of smoke/cooking (int temp 150-170), it's more about cooking to int temp (190-205F) or tenderness. I will pull to finish in my Genesis set to 300-325F. Then I'm able to start cleanup, rest, cut and eat inside of 8-9 hours.
In a word, NO!!!

I'm a weekend smoker, I don't have the time nor inclination to smoke a full brisket 12+ hours. After 4-5 hours of smoke/cooking (int temp 150-170), it's more about cooking to int temp (190-205F) or tenderness. I will pull to finish in my Genesis set to 300-325F. Then I'm able to start cleanup, rest, cut and eat inside of 8-9 hours.

Same here. I'm doing a six-pound flat and it's already at 170 internal (after three hours, but I'm going to leave it in the smoker at 200 for another 4-5 hours, minimum. No more smoke wood, there's plenty of that still in there, if I just stir the fire once an hour. We might not have it for dinner tonight but we have alternatives for that and we'll eat well all week. Some will be sliced into portions and frozen, for thawing and re-heating later.

Of course, there will be cognac, Delbert and naps going on in between checking on the smoker. 49ers won already. YAY!!!

