Brisket, Pulled Pork and Ribs


Scott C

New member
I got my new Smoke EZ conversion for my 22" Weber Performer. I also picked up a DigiQ from BBQ Guru. Installed the DigiQ and Smoke EZ and was ready for my first cook. Here is my setup now:

Got the smoker going at 2am with Kingsford Blue and a combination of Hickory and Cherry wood. I let it come up to temp and turned on the DigiQ set at 225. I threw the meat on and went to bed.

At 8am after 6 hours temp was holding steady at 225. Looking good so far.

Someone can't wait for tonight.

I wrapped the butt and brisket in foil when they hit 150 and added some apple juice to the butt and some beef broth to the brisket. I pulled the butt of at 190. I pulled the brisket off at 202. Then they went into the oven at 180 till it was dinner time. The butt turned out great.


The brisket was mighty fine too.


And what the heck, I decided to make some baby backs as well.

All in all, I have to say the Smoke EZ and DigiQ combo performed solidly. My Maverick went off one time because the pit temp hit 235. And what better way to test out new BBQ gear than to invite over some good friends to enjoy the spoils with you. Great time and great BBQ.

