Brisket on 14.5 WSM?


Mike Pypiak

TVWBB Member
Anybody tried this with any success? I am worried I will not find a brisket small enough to fit...

amateur question but - is it ok to cut a brisket in half and smoke one of top of the other in the 14.5?
I have not tried a brisket, however I have no doubt it will work.
Cutting to fit and using both racks should be fine and I'm sure someone will come up with a creative way for a full brisket to fit.
You should be able to get a couple of "Flats" portion of the brisket and they should fit comfortably. After looking at your ribs and B Butt I'm sure you'll do fine.
You can trim and place a small object under it in the middle to "hump" it up somewhat. It will shrink a bit after a while and you can then remove the object. I use a SS bowl. Good luck!

I'm sure it will work, you most likey will have to reload charcoal.
For sure let us know how you make out.
I think I am going to attempt on my next cook. Just going to keep an eye out for the right cut of meat (no real good butchers around here, unfortunately).

Sooooo glad I didn't try a brisket first before getting the hang of the WSM.

