Brisket help please


Trevor Smith

New member
Hello to all. i haven't posted in here in awhile. i have a 7.17lb brisket flat i plan on smoking with a rack of spare ribs tomorrow. we plan on eating at about 2 or so so if i throw the brisket on at 8 tomorrow morning and keep the smoker at around 300 will that be enough time to cook it. the ribs are no problem i got those down. this is only my second brisket. also i am looking for an internal temp of 170 correct?
170 is to low. Don't go by temp go by feel a probe should go in like it's going into room temperature butter. Your going high heat so I'd foil it when it hits 160 and then start probing it about 1 hour after that. If you need to hold it warm let it rest unwrapped for 30 minutes before rewrapping and rolling it and towels and throwing it in a cooler.
Trevor the process would not change just the cook time. It's not an exact science. Bob's advice was solid. When I read your post I was thinking you might be done a bit early but if you do what Bob suggested, the brisket will hold until you're ready to eat. Probably better early than late.
Nothing wrong with 300 degrees. I did a HH brisket last Sunday ran about 325-350 foiled after 2 hrs and it was done about 2.5 hrs after that. It was a 12.5 lb packer. I've never done just a flat but at 250 I'd think your flat would take 7-10 hours if you don't foil a bit less if you do. Your looking at a minimum of 1 hour per pound. A lot of people don't cook their brisket long enough when they aren't familiar with cooking them. It took me a few attempts to actually leave one on long enough to get juicy and tender since I'm a rare to medium rare kind of guy when it comes to steaks and roasts.
You will have plenty of time at that temp for that weight of brisket. Those foil pans make the foiling part easier.

I cook mine (packers) up to the 195 to 200+ range, but like someone said above, I test with a fork twist to see when it is tender and ready to pull.

When done, wrap foiled meat (pans handy again) in a towel or newspaper and hold in ice chest. It will stay hot for hours and, I think, continue to get tender in there.

