Brisket finished early, now what???????


Ed Lowery

TVWBB Member
The smaller of the two briskets I'm cooking for the wedding finished early. It will be 7 hours before it is served. Right now it's resting in a preheated cooler, wrapped in towels. I know I can safely hold it for about 2-3 hours. After that time it should go in the frig. Should I go ahead and slice it, then reheat at the church? Or should I wait and reheat the whole brisket then slice as needed for the guests?

Many Thanks! Ed
I wouldn't slice it until you were just ready to serve it, otherwise the slices will dry out.

Not sure about keeping it warm till then. Maybe leave it in the cooler until you were ready to go to church and then put it on a cookie sheet foiled over on a very low heat in the oven at church till ready to slice/serve.

I'm sure everything will turn out great Ed, just relax and enjoy the day...folks will likely love your Q regardless.
Gotta love this forum, instant help from the pro! I'll do just that, leave it in the cooler, then reheat whole covered in foil. The other brisket is at 172 now, it should have another hour or so. I can serve it first, while the other is reheating.

Thanks John!
you could also try putting other hot things in th cooler as well. camping bottles filled with boiling water, anything to increase the mass of hot things. I've actually wrapped one in foil, bubblewrap, and towels, and stuck it in a preheated oven ... it was WAY to hot to touch after 4 hours, if I turned the oven on the plate warming setting I could see it lasting 7 hours.

Maybe it can snuggle up next to the other brisket for warmth.

Strictly following food safety guidelines, if you expect the brisket to fall below 140° before two hours before serving time, you should refrigerate, and reheat later. There are methods to prevent sliced brisket from being dry when reheating, including adding a bit of broth or apple juice, and rewarming gently. You could also leave the brisket whole in the foil you now have it, refrigerate, and reheat in a 300° oven for about 30-45 minutes. Leaving it it the warm cooler and attempting to keep the temp up for 7 hours, I'm not so sure you won't end up with something more akin to pot roast.
7 hours might be a stretch but i have left brisket in the cooler wrapped in towels for 4 hours and the food was "hot to touch"...dunno how fast the temps did but forsure after 4 hours its still hot enough

Better to have to have this problem then having to deal with rushing the meat.. good luck

