Brisket & Butts together for the first time...

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Ok, I'm ready for Brisket and Butts cooked together.

I've got 2 7-lb bone-in butts and a 10 lb packer cut brisket. I plan on putting the brisket on the bottom grate (fat cap down) with the two butts on the top grate.

I'll use the Minion Method and will use water in the Brinkmann pan. I plan to shoot for a temp of 220* for the entire cook. I'll probably foil the brisket at 160*-165* and take it to a final temp of 195* then re-wrap it and let it rest in a cooler.

The butts I like to take to 195 also, and won't be foiling them at all.

Question for the experts: Where should I stick the ET-73 meat probe? I'm thinking I should put it in the brisket and if I need to check the butts I can do that with a regular therm.

Also, is it safe to assume these will be done within 3-4 hours of each other? I can always hold whichever gets done ahead in the cooler.

Not having done these together, I just want to double check. Hate to have all that meat come out bad.


I'm sure you'll do well because you've acquired a lot of knowledge in a relatively small time. Seems to me you correct in your analysis

I think it's more important to have the meat probe in the brisket because you're going to be taking it out and foiling it at a certain temp -160. Your butts won't be as critical and you know you won't need to check their temp until around 12 hours if you're keeping the waterpan full. My guess is you'll have a pretty close finish and certainly within 4 hrs of each other.

Good luck with the cook and look forward to hearing about it.

I did this same configuration a few weeks ago (I did brisket fat side up though), the brisket definitely finished sooner, but it was smaller than yours. Dandy results. Of course I had the luxury of using 2 meat probes from my ET-73, since I was maintaining WSM temp with my Guru E-Temp.

P.S. I love the porky goo that drips down onto the brisket on this config, many TVWBBers do it this way and sold me on the idea quite awhile ago.
Thanks for your replies...

Ok, the butcher changed my plans. Got a 15 lb brisket to deal with now.

Should I trim it to a flat and a point, or maybe start it a few hours before the butts??

I would have left it at the butcher's, but it was a take it or leave it situation... Not a lot of packer cuts where I am.

I recall Stogie saying in his treatise on cooking briskets that he seperates the tip from the flat before cooking because the finish times will be different. I would try to locate his post, which I know he has repeated at least once, and follow it. He da' man ! (for brisket, that is

I think you would be within the 4 hr window for holding the butts so I'd start them at the same time to avoid introducing the new , cold heat sinks, and having the instability develope.

Good luck with the cook. I've honestly never found a brisket like the one you're going to cook.

Note that if you go to 2 pieces of brisket plus the 2 pork shoulders, you CAN stack another rack in your WSM using tin cans or various other mods found on this forum. Might be worth a shot.

I see that the search function is working again, so I'll search for Stogie and Brisket. I've done brisket flats, but never the whole one. I've seen posts where folks (maybe Keri was one) separated them when the flat was done and tossed the point back on the smoker for a couple more hours.

I sure missed that search function. Thanks, Chris, for staying on top of them to get it fixed.
Looks like I spoke too soon... the search worked for me just before I posted last time, but seems to be broken again.

Maybe they're working on it now...

I'm sure you're better at searching than me but I found the post by locating Kevin in the directory, go to profile and then view his posts. It's not too far down the list "smokin' brisket" and he does seperate before cooking.

Of course, Ms Keri, "she da' gal"( for briskets, that is - she said she cooked her first brisket 50 years ago when she was only 12

Good idea, Paul... I forgot we've got the directory back too.

5 minutes later:

Grrrr... so much for that. It seems that to view the member posts requires the search function to be working.
The Search has been working fine for me since yesterday. If you do a Find -> Advanced Search, you can specify a single author's posts to search along with your keywords.

(Paul's gonna be in big trouble when she reads that 50 years ago comment.)
Tom, I tried what I described before and came up with "0" this time ? But then I did what Doug described and, of course, it worked.

Same here, Tom.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> (Paul's gonna be in big trouble when she reads that 50 years ago comment.) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
He's been asking for it for a while now
I must just be a complete idjit...

I went to the advance search and got 0 results when I put "Kevin Taylor" (without the quotes) in the author box. Did not check "Exact Match"

Then I just put in "Brisket" in the words to search for... got "Search not currently available".

Tried that again and got 0 results.

I swear that earlier today I got results for "Stogie Brisket" in the regular search. But then, of course, I got side tracked with work and when I came back, it didn't work.
I just put Kevin Taylor in the author box with nothing in the Search Words box and got 1315 results...Up and down, I guess

...Just saw your other post from Tony
Someone else mentioned this, but I can't figure out who. It worked for me.

Clear your browser cache. If you are using IE, go to "Tools/Internet Options" and click on the button labeled "Delete Files".

I did this and the search function now seems to be working fine. I have had similar issues with a few other sites and was surprised that I did not attempt this earlier.
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