Brisket Boston Area


John Vale

Where can I find 8-10 lbs brisket flats in the Boston area? The briskets at the local Costco (Danvers) only run 2-4 lbs.

You might try asking the butcher at Costco if you can buy them before he cuts them in half. Most butchers will bring out several of them still in the cryovac and let you go through them and pick one out. The butcher at the BJ'S i shop at brings out cases of butts and chuck rolls for me to go through. Super Wal Mart is also another good place to get briskets.
John -

that is my main beef (nice pun) with all meat suppliers down here too. Can't get whole brisket.

Your Costco will sell you larger briskets than that though. They come to them in 6-8 pound pieces (whole flats, without the point). Sometimes you just have to know who to ask at Costco. Try a meat guy that isn't miffed that you actually speak to him. (I find half of the meat guys at Costco are real jerks). Sometimes just talking to the meat dept. manager works too. Anyhow, ask him for the brisket in its original cryovac - no trimming done. They have them in the back - all costcos use the same supplier, so all of them have them. One Costco by me requires their manager sell them to me (lame) the other just goes in back, grabs and bunch, and lets me have my choice.

Like Bryan said, unless you have a good butcher and don't mind paying a fortune, your likely only other shot at a whole brisket is a Sam's Club or Super WalMart. I have neither by me so flats it is for me...

