Originally posted by Gary Hodgin:
I know what you mean about the wedding. My oldest daughter married about 12 years ago and my savings took a bigger hit than I would have ever thought. I felt like Steve Martin in the Father of the Bride movie.
Back in my day normally a person went to a church, had a ceremony, took a few pics, spent an hour or two eating peanuts and cake at a reception held in the church, and went off on a honeymoon usually to the Smokies or Florida depending on the time of the year. That was considered a pretty big wedding. That's no longer the case and I don't know how we got to where we are now. A person could buy a pretty decent car or make a down payment on a house for what is spent on a wedding...
...I noticed a Performer on CL in the Madison/Hendersonville area for $225. It's suppose to be new and assembled, but no picture of the actual grill.