Brinkmann water pan



New member
SO after reading all the possible modifications i can do to my 18.5 cooker i purchased a Brinkmann water pan. When I when to use it it was too small and didn't sit on the extensions from the smoker that the webber water pan sits on.

Any suggestions?

Ted in CT
Yeah, Gary's right. Both look the same, but the water pan is a little smaller than the charcoal pan. For some reason, not all places have both pans.
The reason I replaced the weber with the brinkman charcoal pan was to give me a little more room to add coals during. I have a new Weber with the larger pan and its bowl shape puts the pan real close to the coals when fully loaded. For older webers, it increases the capacity. The brinkman holds almost as much water as the new weber pan and more than the old weber pan. Although I replaced my pan I don't think it's a real big deal for me. Here's an explanation.
That is the reason I want to replace the water pan on my 18.5 Webber. I cannot add wood or charcoal. I guess I bought the wrong pan. I should have purchased the brinkman charcoal pan.

Obviously, it's odd that you would need to replace the weber water pan with the brinkman charcoal pan and not the water pan. I'm pretty sure you're not the first to do this. Luckily, I got the part number from the operating and modifications" section and checked it out at brinkman's website before I ordered the pan from Academy Sports.

I don't know why the pan was so much cheaper at Academy than at Brinkman. I think the shipping cost was higher at AS, but not enough to offset the price difference.
Gary, in case you're not aware, we have a couple of Academy Sports here in middle TN. One's up at River Gate, but the other is in Cool Springs. Not a bad place to get sporting goods, athletic shoes, or bbq supplies. Unless I find one used, I might pull the trigger on a stickburner they carry as soon as I can afford to after my daughter's wedding in December. There oughta be a law against marrying so close to Christmas, but I had no say in the matter.
I know what you mean about the wedding. My oldest daughter married about 12 years ago and my savings took a bigger hit than I would have ever thought. I felt like Steve Martin in the Father of the Bride movie.

Back in my day normally a person went to a church, had a ceremony, took a few pics, spent an hour or two eating peanuts and cake at a reception held in the church, and went off on a honeymoon usually to the Smokies or Florida depending on the time of the year. That was considered a pretty big wedding. That's no longer the case and I don't know how we got to where we are now. A person could buy a pretty decent car or make a down payment on a house for what is spent on a wedding.

I knew about the AS at Cool Springs, but wasn't going that way in the foreseeable future so I just paid the $10 or so for the shipping. Of course, I was within 3 miles of Cool Springs just a few days after I got the pan.

I noticed a Performer on CL in the Madison/Hendersonville area for $225. It's suppose to be new and assembled, but no picture of the actual grill. If I didn't have a decent gasser I'd check it out. I would love to go back to charcoal on my grill but just replaced the heating elements and installed a couple of thermometers on the lid of my gasser.
Originally posted by Gary Hodgin:
I know what you mean about the wedding. My oldest daughter married about 12 years ago and my savings took a bigger hit than I would have ever thought. I felt like Steve Martin in the Father of the Bride movie.

Back in my day normally a person went to a church, had a ceremony, took a few pics, spent an hour or two eating peanuts and cake at a reception held in the church, and went off on a honeymoon usually to the Smokies or Florida depending on the time of the year. That was considered a pretty big wedding. That's no longer the case and I don't know how we got to where we are now. A person could buy a pretty decent car or make a down payment on a house for what is spent on a wedding...

...I noticed a Performer on CL in the Madison/Hendersonville area for $225. It's suppose to be new and assembled, but no picture of the actual grill.

Regarding the weddings, you got it, but in addition to the cake and nuts... don't forget about the MINTS. What was that about?

Gary, why you tell me about the Performer? You gonna get me KILLED!

Wait a minute. I got an idea. Maybe I'll see if they haven't sold it yet and get it for my daughter for a wedding gift. Then I'd have a decent grill to cook on over at their place.
I hope the performer is gone before Sat. I'm meeting a cousin coming from Memphis on I-40 to give him my tickets to the LSU game and I'll be pretty close to the performer. I've thought about calling the guy, but that might be the first step into divorce court.

It would make a great gift for you daughter.
Mentioned to the Missus' my idea of a craigslist Performer for our daughter's wedding gift...and I quote:

"Whatcha doin' on Craigslist?!"
Your wife must be related to mine. Every now and then mine asks me to check and see if I can find something on CL, but she doesn't want me looking on my own for some reason.

