Brining Pork Butts


Paul H

TVWBB Gold Member
I brined three pork butts this weekend in the apple/honey mixture that is usually used on turkey. I injected a fourth butt as a comparison(not brined). The 3 brined butts actually were done before the injected one. They were falling apart around the mid 180. Even the injected one never got to 190. I pulled it of around 186 and it was falling apart. Had my wife do the taste test as I couldn't taste or smell anything from being in all that smoke. Now, she sat in on my BBQ judging class so she watched how to cleanse your mouth with water or crackers between samples. She said that the brined definitely had a better,milder,and smoother taste. The injected one tasted a lot smokier and the flavors were more pronounced and stronger. I cooked them all with hickory and oak. This was not a scientific test by any means but the brining seemed to produce a better product. I will have to try it again to really see. By the way ,I'll try some tonight. I can't taste anything worth a darn after I smoke so I just wait till the next day if I really want to see how it measures up.

