Brining Enhanced Turkey?

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I had the same question a week ago. I had a 7% enhanced turkey breast and wanted to do Keri's honey brine recipe.

Since it was a trial run for Thanksgiving anyway, I decided to go for it. I followed Keri's recipe exactly, including brining times and drying times in the fridge.

The breast came out wonderful. I couldn't have hoped for any better. One thing I failed to do was turn the turkey breast-side down during the cook. The top of the breast meat was a bit drier than the bottom, but it was still all great. Next time I'll flip it halfway through. The breast I cooked was rather small, around 4.5 lbs and it took about 3-3/4 hours to reach 160 internally.

I used Sugar Maple smoke wood, which I also highly recommend.
Read the "sodium" content on the turkey and go from there. If it already has a sodium content above 600mg I would not brine. I have a turkey on now that is enhanced (300mg sodium) and I cut the salt in the brine by a third. Just when doing an enhanced turkey the key is making sure the sodium content is not too high to brine. I have brined enhanced birds many times with great results.
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