Bringing Q to work...we've got mixed religions

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Jim Babek

The ladies here at work are tired of me comming in on Monday's and bragging about Q. They want a lunch and Im more than willing to let them see what great bbq is. But, working in a law firm where several of the partners are jewish Im in need of some beef. Definatley am going to do some butts for us gentiles, as they call us, and was considering a couple of chuck roasts. Anyone have any better ideas?
I dont think they go by the kosher rules...basically they just dont eat pork

I cant even imagine going through life not knowing the incredible taste of a pig.
Brisket ?? Every Jewish mother makes a nice brisket for their sons. This will be something that they are used to with a little twist.
I thought of that but after doing my first brisket this weekend I think I need a bit more practice...was tender but dry...very VERY dry.
I let it sit for at least two hours. Im telling you this thing was dry as a rib bone. Unfoiled it to slice it and there wasnt a drop of juice in the foil.
Jim, You might want to check with them but i don't think you can cook for them cause your WSM has had non Kosher meat in it. Mords? Bryan
If they're strictly Kosher you're right. But if they just don't eat pork then they won't care that there has been pork cooked on it.

I did a quick search on kashrut (Jewish dietary laws). If, indeed, they are keeping kosher, there'd be quite an ordeal in preparing both meats; especially with only 1 WSM.

If they just don't eat pork, I'd suggest cleaning the top rack well and cooking the beef on that rack so pork juices don't drip on it. Also, to be double sure, use different utensils, trays, plates, gloves, etc. for the two meats.

I think chuck roll would be an option if your brisket comes out too dry.

BTW, here's one link I found describing kashrut for us gentiles.
Nah, I don't think so. At least, that hasn't been my experience with Jews or Muslims or vegetarians for that matter.

My sister went thru a whole Old Testament dietary laws thing for many years and our 'unclean' foods never bugged her, either! Now she's a vegetarian and even harder to cook for.
The Jewish partners at big law firms tend not to be too orthodox, as the 'working 80 to 90 hours a week' thing tends to interfere with leading an orthodox lifestyle.

The easiest thing to fix would be beef ribs. Cut them up first, rub them well w/britu rub, give them about 4:30-4:45 at 250-255 lid temp. Can probably fit 3+ cut up slabs in there.

I've done them twice lately: once for about 4:30 and they came out great, once for 6 hrs and a bit too much fat had rendered out. I think they cook a good bit faster when cut up first.

Thanks for all the tips...they are definately not too orthodox. They will eat shrimp, lobster etc but just wont eat pork. I think either a chuck roll is on the menu or do pork for the rest of the office and do a few chuck roasts for them.
This reminds me of a discussion I had recently about Jewish people who aren't kosher but still wont eat pork. I know some (my father) who would eat bacon every morning, but thinks that eating a ham sandwich is sacrelige. Go figure.

Can I urge you to do brisket? My guess is that your co-workers have had brisket every which way but Q'd. When they taste the Q, they will be amazed. In fact, when I first told my parents I was smoking brisket for July 4, my looked at me like I was nuts. "That's not how you make brisket." Well, they liked it so much, they asked me to smoke two for the holidays last week.
my apologeeeez.....just arrived in LA now....Everyone hit it pretty much on the nails...first...most Religious Jewish attorneys do not work on fri night and saturdays...

if the folks you were cooking for only ate stricly kosher like would need a brand new WSM (that never had anything UnKosher on it) and Kosher meat...

However, that doesnt seem to be the situation. (if you needed a stricly kosher butcher im sure id be able to find you one)

but in any case.... its hard for some folks to understand how a jew can rationalize eating bacon in the mornings but a ham sandwich is out fo the question...for some jews its just an emotional religion...if they remember their mothers doing it s acertian way..then they will do it that way....there is no way to explain...and yes it doesnt make sence....i say if your gonna eat the bacon....have the smoked pork will prob taste better also.!!!

Joe- nice site explains it pretty well.. and yes diff utensil and everything would have to be diff....

neways.... how about baby back ribs....if i ate non kosher thats the first thing i would go for.. then pork butt......Good Luck!!

if you have any other kosher questions feel free to ask...

ps...the jewish mothers that always made that brisket sandwich.....

had them both...NO COMPARISON....
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