Bring back the OTP/Jumbo Joe


Allen Sharar

TVWBB Super Fan
I already have one, but can't understand why Weber killed this product. Do they think it cut's into the 18" sales - I would think it would expand sales? Weber - if you're reading this - make one in blue too.
Make yer own "portable" out of an unused 18 incher. That's what I did. Dem so called "portable grills" like the go any where and regular smokey joes are not big enough for real tailgating and they do not make the Jumbo Joe any more.
I was lucky enough to get a Jumbo Joe too (and I have a SJG)... loving the Jumbo for a quick grill job (instead of firing up the performer) and my SJG is 100% fulltime mini smoker now.

My cooking grate is in good condition now but who knows 10 years down the line? Would love the option to replace it (or maybe even get a CI version).
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by JohnnyS:
I was lucky enough to get a Jumbo Joe too (and I have a SJG)... loving the Jumbo for a quick grill job (instead of firing up the performer) and my SJG is 100% fulltime mini smoker now.

My cooking grate is in good condition now but who knows 10 years down the line? Would love the option to replace it (or maybe even get a CI version). </div></BLOCKQUOTE>Ibet there is a tamale pot that would fit a Jumbo Joe/SJP.
I've used the standard 18.5" grate on my SJP before. Yea its too small to sit in the rim, but since the bowl is tapered it only slides down about an 1" before it stops. I only done brats and burgers that way tho.

I have owned an 18, 22, WSM, mini WSM, SJS, SJG... I just don't understand why anyone would need/want a OTP/jumbo joe?
It's my picnic/tailgate grill. I only have the 18.5" WSM and a OTG. I have put the OTG in the back of my Trailblazer but the SJP is alot easier. I picked that up from ACE back in 06? when they had that $25.00 clearance on em.

I think some people like myself just want a grill that is more easy to transport for the rare occasion it is needed. I too have a standard 18 inch with 3 daisy wheels and wood handles. I had it since like the late 1980's .. The legs kept falling out when I would lift it or I tried to move it so it sat it the garage for the last 10 years with minimal use. After looking for a Jumbo Joe forever I read something on here about making yer own portable so I threw away the wiggly jiggly legs on it and just used 8 inch pipe for legs..It it way more stable now too. I can still grill at home with it and dont have to mess with taking it apart or putting it together at the tailgate party because the legs stay in the sockets...
I find the SJS and SJG are simply too small for my trips these days. If I was just cooking for myself - they'd work, but usually cooking for at least 4. Also, the SJP has the ability to at least somewhat do indirect cooking for larger pieces of meat that simply would not be possible on the smaller joe's. I also got mine back when ACE would do their Memorial day sales on them - $39.99 with a $20 mail-in rebate.

