Brined Turkey carcass for Stock?


Ron G.

TVWBB Wizard
I originally posted this in "Poultry Recipes" - but I guess it may have been deleted since I didn't follow the rules (duh - smacks forehead)


Once I remove most of the meat from a brined turkey carcass - would it still work to make some turkey stock? Or would it probably bee too salty / flavored? In short, would it be worth the effort?

In general, one does not hear a lot about turkey stock. Lots of Chicken & Beef, but for some reason, no gobbler - is there some underlying reason for this (flavor problems?). I would think it would be similar to chicken stock.
I always use my left over Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey carcuss for stock. I put it in a food saver bag and freeze it for next year to add to my dressing and gravy. Make you stock as you would anyother. Slow simmered with your veggies.
Yes, you can. I am not certain how long it lasts. I have read a month.

I made stock at Thanksgiving time. I used the last of it a couple weeks ago. I had no issue with it.

This has also prompted me to look for a second freezer as my wife complained as to how much space it took.


I always use my carcasses. After removing the meat, I put the bones in a roasting pan with about 1/4 inch water in the bottom, and roast at 400 degrees for 45 min to an hour. I sometimes add an onion and a few carrots to the pan.

I then remove all and put in a large pot, cover with water and simmer fro a few hours. Strain and it makes a wonderful broth / stock for later use.

It will last many months if not longer if frozen.

Though saltier than a stock or broth made without, as long as you don't plan on reducing it much there isn't a problem.

