Brine Time for Turkey Breast


Scott in SoCal

TVWBB Member
I'm going to smoke a couple of bone-in turkey breast halves (an entire breast split into two pieces). Each weighs between 3.5 and 4 pounds. I'm going to use the Slaughterhouse Brine.

How long should I brine each half-breast?

Thanks for your advice, everyone!
I brine my turkey in a 5 gallon water cooler. I will put the turkey in the cooler frozen, and let it brine away. It takes 2 days for the turkey to thaw out.
When I brine a whole bird, I have submerged it for 24 hours in the liquid and then air dried it for another 24 hours before going on the smoker. But that's a whole bird. I dunno about breast halves...
Neil: Did you throw it on the smoker right away, or did you wait for awhile and let the skin dry out a bit?

I did dry it with paper towels then applied a light coat of olive oil then seasoned. Seems like that helps crisp up the skin. Hope this helps.

