Bread in the GMG Pizza Oven


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
I wanted to try my new GMG Pizza Oven to bake my weekly bread. I set up my pellet grill with just the diffuser in place (sideways), and my GMG oven set up on the right side of the grill. For those of you following the GMG thread for pizza, you'll note that this means that the "intake" is NOT in the fire pot. My reasoning for this is that I didn't want brutal bottom heat for my bread, and I didn't want to use the top as it is too low.....and, yes, I could have accomplished exactly the same thing with just a stone on the grates, but this was more fun! :)

I ran the grill at 475°, but wasn't getting the stone temp I wanted, so kicked it up to 500°. Bread went on with an inverted roaster over it for 20 minutes to capture some steam (needed so it can rise before the crust sets.) After 20 minutes......


Removed the inverted roaster, and went "naked" for another 20 minutes.....


Success!!! :) Not bad for just kind of playing around a bit. Loaf #2 is on now. :)

So you spent your day just loafing around, eh Rich?

Nice looking loaf of bread! Does it taste smoky at all?

And thanks for awakening the bread-making monster that lurks within...we used to make sourdough all the time and I dragged our poor neglected and forgotten starter out of the deep dark corners of the fridge. It was a few years old and no longer viable. I couldn't make up my mind and ended up buying 4 different sourdough wife loves sourdough, too, so she's no help. Sheesh.
So you spent your day just loafing around, eh Rich?

Nice looking loaf of bread! Does it taste smoky at all?

And thanks for awakening the bread-making monster that lurks within...we used to make sourdough all the time and I dragged our poor neglected and forgotten starter out of the deep dark corners of the fridge. It was a few years old and no longer viable. I couldn't make up my mind and ended up buying 4 different sourdough wife loves sourdough, too, so she's no help. Sheesh.
No discernible smoke aroma or flavor. Since it only spends 20 minutes uncovered, and smoke production at 500° is pretty low, not much chance for "smoky" to happen.

Too bad your previous starter was kaput! They are resilient little buggers, but I can attest to the fact that they can be killed off. :( I've never purchased a starter, just made my own, or gotten some from other bakers. Let me know if you want a bit of my dehydrated starter (I keep some on hand as back up......refresh it every 6 months or so.)

Thanks, Rich! We started our own, too, using pineapple juice and a sous vide (which caused our Anova sous vide to fail and they didn't seem to want to deal with the warranty back when they were a start-up so I made my own sous vide which didn't work out as well as I had hoped...long story), as I remember. Ed Wood has an excellent book and a plethora of cultures from around the world. He also sells on Amazon but it's less money for shipping on his website.

I use pellets in a smoke tube on our gasser and they work better (smoky) outside the grill so I was wondering if the same effect happens in a pellet pooper.
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