Brand Used Genesis Espresso e310- Question RE: Firebox Warranty


Ken W

New member
Hey Guys,

I recently picked up a Genesis E310 from 2009-2010 era. It was a CL purchase. Guy was asking $325, asked him best price and he said $250. It included an empty tank and grill cover.

So I call Weber to ask if porcelain coated grates are still under warranty because they were starting to chip/rust a little. They asked me my name/address and entered it into their system. The rep did not answer my question directly, but said "they're on their way!"

I've been lurking since the purchase and will get some stainless flavorizers from Rcplanebuyer as per many recommendations here.

So tonite, I decided to give the firebox a good scrubbing. All was going well when I noticed that there were two holes where the flavorizer bars go. One on the left, one on the right, 1/4 inch and the other 1/8. I'm thinking about calling to have it covered under warranty. But, am I being too nitpicky? I kind of feel guilty after they were so flexible on the grill grates. But it is only 5-6 years old.

Also, the burners had a good bit of rust in the holes, which I cleaned out with a knife blade. The cross-over looks like it may go one of these days. Should I just use it until it goes and then go with warranty at that time?

Thanks in advance for your help!
I believe Weber had a problem with those units and is replacing fireboxes from what I've read here. You might want to look up the warranty to see if that applies to the original purchaser only.

I've got the same grill and have not been too impressed with the quality. Twice a year I have to remove the burners and take a small brass brush to them to clean out the rust. I've already had to buy a new manifold because water leaked around the stem and froze. If I don't clean out the drip pan frequently, it catches fire.

I've owned several Weber gas grills but this one is the only one I've regretted buying.
Well only thing I can say is you cannot blame Weber for not doing due diligence on maintenance " If I don't clean out the drip pan frequently, it catches fire." This has been a trait of the Weber design forever
I cleaned up the burners and they are good to go. Rcplanebuyer has shipped the new flavorizers.

*Question: Would the holes in the firebox bother you guys? Would you do a warranty replacement or just leave them?

Thanks for the previous replies.

