Bradley electric smoker?


Brent W

New member
Guys what do you think of the bradley smoker?

I see a lot of good reviews. Of course there are some negative but what product doesn't have some? I see some people give it negative reviews because it won't get above 250 degrees which i don't care about. I don't want to BBQ above 250. The thing i REALLY like is supposedly you can cold smoke with it. Every year i build this contraption to do it with my hot peppers in my garden but its a REAL pain to do. Hopefully this takes care of that? Any cold smoked with it before? How did it do? The only thing i might not like is apparently it takes bisquettes. I would hope it takes regular wood but maybe it doesn't so i would end up having to order the wood from amazon every time. Any help would be appreciated.

My father has a cajun smoker that he has been happy with but it can't cold smoke.
I have a friend who had a Bradley. He liked the smoker but it didn't last very long. I can't remember why but I know he didn't take good care of it. Later, he had the same experience with a Masterbuilt.

He left both outside without covers and I'd say he never cleaned them out based on the few times I saw them.
Never used this smoker but with at least 25% negative reviews at Amazon and the fire hazard complaints I would look elsewhere. Just my.02
I hear that they are OK but you need to hook up a PID to better control the temperature like this Auber Bradley Smoker Controller. I've heard that when added to the Bradley Smoker it works really well.
Originally posted by Gary Hodgin:
Something else. I'm told it's difficult to get good smoke flavor with an electric.

I definitely agree with that. My father cajun smoker makes good food but it doesn't taste nearly as good as something cooked on the WSM (but of course i never expeced it to).
Originally posted by Brent W:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Gary Hodgin:
Something else. I'm told it's difficult to get good smoke flavor with an electric.

I definitely agree with that. My father cajun smoker makes good food but it doesn't taste nearly as good as something cooked on the WSM (but of course i never expeced it to). </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've smoked with a Bradley for about 6 years now. Never found getting a smokey flavor difficult at all. It all depends on how long you have the smoke generator running during your cooking process. I'll do Boston Butts for pulled pork and put about 3 hours of smoke on out of about a 10 hour cook. They turn out fantastic. My brother has one too, and frequently cold smokes salmon. It's some of the best I've ever had.
Originally posted by Brent W:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Russell Y:
Here are some links for generating smoke for cold smoking.

Smoke Daddy

smoke pistol

Cold smoking



Thanks everyone for talking me out of it (saved me almost $300 dollars) and thanks a lot Russel for all the wonderful links. Is there any cold smoker you all would recommend over the other? I've seen very good reviews of the amazen cold smoker and its relatively cheap. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have the Smoke Daddy and it works great.
Being a Bradley, and a nephew of the company founders, I am probably biased. regardless, I think its a great product.

Its capacity, and the ability to cold smoke make it a very versatile product. Coupling that with the control offered by the newer digital models, and you get an appliance that smokes most things well, and some things extremely well with minimal effort... just "set it and forget it". I suppose the main downside is the lack of alternatives to the bisquettes.

With all that being said however, I still cook with a WSM. Call me a "purist" (or perhaps a masochist), but I like the challenge of the old-school tools, much in the same way that I prefer driving cars with manual transmissions over automatics.
Thanks everyone for your replies. I think i'm just going to go with the amazen. The main think i want to smoke is the peppers in my garden (though an electric smoker would be nice when you don't want any maintenance at all). Its relatively cheap and seems like a perfect solution for peppers. That and a dehydrator.

