Bradford Pear for cooking???

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Keri C

TVWBB Wizard
General concensus guestion here - is the ornamental Bradford Pear a good smoking/cooking wood? I'm actually thinking about it for our trailer rig offset rather the WSM. Our next door neighbor had about half of a large Bradford Pear fall this last weekend, and I'm trying to decide whether to volunteer to drag it over to our house and cut it up to go into the woodhouse for future cooking. It's a relative soft wood, as you typically see the Bradford pears go down before anything else in a strong wind, but does it do well for cooking?

I appreciate all opinions from those with experience with Bradford pear - if I have good cooking wood looking me in the face, I don't want to miss out on it. /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif

Keri C
Smokin on Tulsa Time
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