Bottom Round Roast


Eric. W

New member
I have a 4.5 lb beef bottom round I need to use. I am looking for some pointers as far as cook time, rubs, temp, amount of lump... Thanks for any pointers. I have only smoked pork up until now, and am still very new to this. Thanks.
See if this makes sense. As far as time, it will depend on cook temp and finish temp, i.e., whether you do it as a 'roast beef' to a low internal at a high temp, a low internal at a low temp, or a low internal to a higher finish. I almost always use a full ring for everything (MM start) as any excess can be extinguished by closing up the cooker and used for another cook. Rub? Your choice of course; I often use a more herb-based mix (marjoram, thyme, ground bay, celery seed) with a few spices (garlic, onion, clove, ginger) and white and green pepper. I do not usually use sugar with beef but if I do the proportion is small.
Water in the pan or leave empty?? If full ring of coals, lid temp around 325, and looking for internal meat temp 145 -- what would be a ballpark cook time?? I am wanting this for a 6:00pm dinner tomorrow. Thanks.
No water for that cook temp. I'd Minion the start but use more lit at the outset. How long will depend on meat thickness, meat temp at the start and how quick your temp rise is but I'd expect < 2 hours.

Note that if you want a finish of 145 you'll need to plan for a resting rise so pull sooner, about 135. If you want to pull at 145 you'll likely see a finish of 155 during the rest. Plan on a 20-30 min rest but a longer one is fine if it's done early. I have a chuck foil-wrapped and toweled and resting in the microwave as I type.

