Boneless beef backribs


Darryl - swazies

TVWBB Diamond Member
Pulled out a 5 pound what they call boneless beef back rib for my cook tomorrow. I don't really know what the cut is from ( besides it's beef ) really but I can share what makes sense. The cuts in the US compared to here in Canada sometimes have different names. This label is called " boneless beef back rib ". It is 4.5 inches thick or so almost end to end. It is very fatty and marbled very well, it looks amazing. It is in the same price range as a chuck roast would be here in dollars per pound and has the same fat qualities. Looking at some vids yesterday I seen people cooking beef plate ribs and people cooking beef short ribs. It has more of the appearance of what the beef plate ribs looked like just mine is trimmed up cleaner and has no thick fat caps at all and the short ribs they made were in smaller pieces, like 1 pound or 2 and I have a 5 pound piece, and the short ribs I seen were still marbled but had less fat than what I have. Does anyone have an idea on this. So far my plan was to go a 3 - 2 - 1 style cook but cook it like I would a brisket....There is no question it needs to be done low n slow for a bit of time, I had about 4 hours in mind but temp and color could change that number, then a paper wrap for what is guess is close to 2 hours until probe tender. Then the hour in the cooler resting. Not really looking for cooking advice, unless you know what I have and have cooked it, but mostly what cut I have or what it is like and what I should be expecting.
Thanks for making it through all of that.....
From Wikipedia … "Boneless" short ribs are cut from either the chuck or plate, and consist of rib meat separated from the bone.
Not sure which you got.

I would venture a guess that you would want to treat them like beef short ribs.
I never considered Thanks for the bit of info.
Yeah I think they will cook like that which in my opinion is similar to the chuck and similar to the brisket.
I know its not the same but the method of low n slow and create bark and get to probe tender idea.
I see people eating it like rib pieces, using it like a pulled beef works out to be and people using it for tacos which leads me to the pulled chuck roast idea of a cook.
I really hope its like the rib though with that little layer of fat just above the bone that never cooks all the way down and is really soft and juicy...
That is why I like smoked ribs over brisket most of the time.
I will get some pics up for sure hopefully others will like it and be able to find this cut.
As far as cook time, it will depend on how thick they are. That’s going to be the challenge but I would figure 2 to 3 hours?!?!

