Blue Genesis Silver A restoration


Christo C

TVWBB Member
Needed to start making inroads on some restorations (Silver A, Silver B, Silver C and a Genesis 1000 redhead) to make some space so thought would start with the easiest first - the Silver A. Took an afternoon - granted it was in pretty good shape to start with - most of the time was for painting and drying the firebox, frame and lid end caps

Left the insides as they were - they have a few more seasons left in them

All in all - a fun and fast restoration - will take some more time and effort with the others after having done this one as a practice run



Here's the original - mainly the box and end caps worn and needed a paint.
I have been seeing a lot of Blues posted up lately. Maybe this is the year of the Blue lid. Seems my rehabs tend to run in color streaks, year by year.
Nice restoration Christo. It looks like Weber didn’t adapt the tank holders for the different varieties of tanks around the world. It looks like Weber only thought of American 20lb tanks
Is that the standard tank in Austrailia? It looks pretty small, really kind of like the size of our 5lb tanks.
Is that the standard tank in Austrailia? It looks pretty small, really kind of like the size of our 5lb tanks.
No its a 9Lb size - -its just my tester cylinder. Normal size is 20Lb/9.5kg - I swapped a larger one back on once finished for a cook later that day

