Blizzard? What Blizzard?


John Ferrell

New member
Up here in the Frozen Tundra of Wisconsin we don't let a little 100 year Blizzard stop us.....

Hey John... you gotta be in the south-eastern parts of Badgerland with that amount of <STRIKE>shi<span class="ev_code_GREY">r</span>t</STRIKE> snow in your yard...
and you gotta have a daggum good cover for that piece of iron, since no white stuff seems to have touched it.
Welcome to the forum.... now, fire her up and snap some photos of GreatGrub!

<span class="ev_code_GREEN">Go PACK Go!</span>
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jim Lampe:
Hey John... you gotta be in the south-eastern parts of Badgerland with that amount of <STRIKE>shi<span class="ev_code_GREY">r</span>t</STRIKE> snow in your yard...
and you gotta have a daggum good cover for that piece of iron, since no white stuff seems to have touched it.

<span class="ev_code_GREEN">Go PACK Go!</span> </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, she was covered during the blizzard. Just for some perspective, here is a pic from this fall and then after the blizzard before I cleared a path.

Wow that is a lot of snow! I guess I should stop complaining about our long winters here in Utah (I won't), compared to you we are in a tropical paradise. haha Glad to see that the snow isn't keeping you from using your Weber. Keep fighting the good fight sir! My hat is off to you.

