There is, but the issue is mainly the curing process. But this is only an issue if you are talking about actual Black Forest ham - the real, German stuff - not the Americanized versions sold at delis (like Boars Head, et al.) Those are not very close to the real stuff. If it is that that you are looking to do the process is fairly simple. It is a matter of making a curing brine, injecting a leg (or a fillet off the leg) and letting it soak in the brine for a number of days, then smoking it.
The flavors in actual BF ham are only somewhat carried over to the Americanized versions. German BF is much like a leg version of prosciutto, only smoked, is boneless, with hints of juniper, coriander, garlic, pepper and pine or fir (for the smoke). Americanized versions are usually sweet, the flavor additions vary, and the smoke used (if any - other than smoke flavoring) is different as well.