Black SS Performer

I offered him $85 Tony, he came back with $125. Looks like it needs work. Rusty. Not sure if there is an advantage to the SS table setup over the plastic? Any issues with yours? I know I want the sweep system and gas assist. But the big/little tank is expensive to fill I hear. He's had it on CL for 3 weeks now. The new style like yours rarely come up. I have saw 1 in a year.
It cost me $3.15 +tax to fill my 5 pound tank. No way I can get 5 of the 1 pound cylinders for that price.
The stainless steel table is nice and I have 3 in my rotation. (Red SS, Blue SS, and newer Blue plastic table)
The newer (plastic) stands a couple inches taller than the SS, but they're both nice and cook the same.

As an FYI --- I've picked up 3 SS performers and haven't paid more than a hunnert bucks for any of em. This one looks complete and in good condition.
If you're CL market is pretty 'soft' on used Performers, this would be a good pick-up.
I offered him $85 Tony, he came back with $125. Looks like it needs work. Rusty. Not sure if there is an advantage to the SS table setup over the plastic? Any issues with yours? I know I want the sweep system and gas assist. But the big/little tank is expensive to fill I hear. He's had it on CL for 3 weeks now. The new style like yours rarely come up. I have saw 1 in a year.

Mine is good. Offer him 95 maybe he will take it it's been 3 weeks.
It cost me $3.15 +tax to fill my 5 pound tank. No way I can get 5 of the 1 pound cylinders for that price.
The stainless steel table is nice and I have 3 in my rotation. (Red SS, Blue SS, and newer Blue plastic table)
The newer (plastic) stands a couple inches taller than the SS, but they're both nice and cook the same.

As an FYI --- I've picked up 3 SS performers and haven't paid more than a hunnert bucks for any of em. This one looks complete and in good condition.
If you're CL market is pretty 'soft' on used Performers, this would be a good pick-up.

Chad, you need to look into one of those adapters to fill the small tanks with 40# tank.

