Bird, Brisket & Sausage pics


Paul K

Finished up an apple brined turkey at Christmas, did the high temp brisket yesterday.
The brisket took about 6 hours as I didn't get proper temps throughout the cook. See "Mesquite lump from Wal Mart"
. But the brisket came out great and quicker than a normal cook. I did get a good bark as well!
brisket & sausage Smoke ring came out pretty well too; put the meat on cold and while temps were still around 250.little more brisket Made chopped beef from the point today; WOW!!

The turkey was fantastic; did the apple brine recipe. Whole bird and slicing turkey. This is my 1st shot at posting pics, hope they turn out.
Thanks V and Bill,
No, I bought an 8 lb bag of "Mesquite" lump from Wally World ($2.69) and it did last for the entire cook. Granted, I had to stir up the coals quite a few times. This morning I checked and still had a few of the larger chucks left, but I would have had to add more if doing the low and slow method.
Since i am a meat man the brisket and links look awesome. Was the bird over cooked? It looked dry to me. But what do I know I am looking at the pics.

