Binchotan "White Charcoal"



TVWBB Member
Has anyone used this Japanese charcoal?
there is an article in the Chicago Sun Times paper about the use of this charcoal.
I do agree with his comment: Briquettes, on the other hand, are "noxious nuggets that contain ... anthracite coal, borax, sodium nitrate,"
Also the resturant SushiSamba, it is very good but you need deep pockets.
this may be a link to the article:
Yes, on a hibachi. I like it. I see no point in spending the money on it for larger cookers (and only somewhat of a pointon spending the money on it for a small hibachi). Additive-free fuel is ubiquitous. No need to use fuel with additives.
Very interesting, thanks for posting.

But nah, I'm happy to grill lobster over my standard Humphrey's thanks.

It would be nice to have a look at it though. There was also a charcoal made from coconut shell material I believe that was popular for awhile. It also burned hotter and longer than "traditional" hardwood charcoal. I think it was being sold by one of the ceramic cooker sites. It was more expensive than typical hardwood but certainly cheaper than this as I recall.

Wanted to try it but then got distracted... and never followed through.

