Big Flat On


Bryan S

TVWBB Olympian
Have a 7.71 choice flat on high heat over Dragon Breath lump, and oak and apple wood. I used the Texas BBQ Rub #2 (brisket blend) and the WSM is running @335º. 1 hr in, and the flat is @ 118º, will foil once it reaches 160º. I'll cool, slice, vac seal and then re-heat in hot water. This is for a dinner next Sat for my Mom and Dad (flying in from AZ)
for my Niece Erika's graduation, Friday. I'm cooking for my Sis, Brother in Law, Nephew, Niece, Mom, and Pop. Also will be cooking some Tris to go along with the brisket. Link to pics.
Flat is done and resting. I just threw a Tri-Tip on the lower grate no water pan with the lid a skew for something to snack on later tonight when I get the munchies. I pegged the Tel-Tru in the lid while heating up the lower grate.
I'm wanting to do a brisket but I'm such a fan of pork it might be a while... keep us updated on the cook. As soon as I'm employed again I'm doin' either a brisket or a chuck roll....

Thanks Bryan!
Nice looking flat Bryan, and a biggie. Sounds like you've got some fun cooks coming-up and good times with family.
The Tri is done and resting. Pulled it at (Larry don't read this) 132º
Pics updated as well.
Yep, good times ahead at the end of next week and weekend. I pick Mom and Pop up at Phila Airport Thurday night. That also starts my vacation that I wait/hold out all year for. On Thurs the 18th I'm done at 3:00PM EST. and don't return to the grind till 7:00AM EST. on Jan 5, 2009.
brisket looks great bryan! have fun on your vacation . i decided to wait until spring for mine :-/ i have a funny vacation story though. 3 years ago i took a "secret" vacation, i got up every morning and put on my work uniform and took my work truck up to mcdonalds and read the paper and ate breakfast until the wife left for work at 8am. man what a week that was. to this day she still doesn't know about that. i will take it to my grave
I hacked off one of the ends of the flat while still warm, it was quite good, and very moist as always with the high heat brisket cooks.
Although maybe a bit spicy for some in the party, this should be a big hit for this Saturdays dinner. It's been about 6 years since Mom and Pop had my brisket,
and to my knowledge, they have never eaten Tri-Tip so this dinner should go over well.
My Brother in law loves Tri-Tip and as far as I know, he and I are the only two that have ever eaten it in the family.

EXTRA INFO: As a proud Uncle, I just wanted to say that my Niece is graduating with a 4.0 GPA and is on the Deans list. Yes I'm bragging, if she was your Niece wouldn't you.
im kind of ashamed in some ways about this but about 2 weeks ago i did my first tri-tip on my smokey joe P. and I should have sooner. there really something to talk about. It is instantly one of my favorite cuts. I should never do that again and that made me think I better be tryin a few other things that i always read about in the last year or so and have never bothered with (like tri) and those are:
chipolte mayo, "abt's", chuck roll... dont worry im on em. tri tip is so damn good though, and i overcooked it a bit and was THAT good for my first. I know my second will be... just, .... i dont even have the words. I'll also never ignore any lamb again, love it.
Hey Bryan, I noticed the label said product of Canada on it. Does that just imply that it was processed there? Or are there feedlots up there? I know the whole process from farm to plate is elaborate, but I was just wondering.

Very nice looking cook by the way. I need to fire mine up soon.
Originally posted by Tom Chips:
Hey Bryan, I noticed the label said product of Canada on it.
Yeah Tom, The beef Brisket came from Canada. The store that I bought the brisket from, all their beef comes from Canada. My guess is that it's raised and slaughtered there.
Good stuff though.
Sliced it up on Sunday and vac sealed it with my finishing sauce. Used some different ingredients this time in the brisket finishing sauce. I used Amish butter and Dr Pepper BBQ sauce for the first time in the finishing sauce, along with the usual beef stock. I'm very pleased with the taste of the finishing sauce and it's outcome.
Congrats on the awesome achievement of your niece Bryan.
Hey, quick question. I do not see anything resembling mustard on the pic of your rubbed but not yet cooked brisket. Do you apply anything prior to the rub?
Oh yea, and will you be disappearing from the boards while on Vacation or can we still expect to hear from you?
Originally posted by Jefferey:
Did you make the Dr. Pepper bbq sauce or did you buy it?

Jefferey, I bought it to see if I liked it, and if so, then make a clone of it. It's pretty good stuff, different in a good way.
Link for you if interrested.

Originally posted by Steve Whiting:
Hey, quick question. I do not see anything resembling mustard on the pic of your rubbed but not yet cooked brisket. Do you apply anything prior to the rub?
Oh yea, and will you be disappearing from the boards while on Vacation or can we still expect to hear from you?

Steve, I didn't put anything on the brisket. Sometimes I put a light coat of woosty sauce on but didn't this time. I'll be here during my vacation. I'm not going anywhere and the garage is really a mess so that's my project. Also I have a bunch of upgrades I want to get done on the Road Glide so those 2 things are going to consume most of my time.

Originally posted by Toby Keil:
Awesome Bryan simply awesome. I like the Texas BBQ rub but I have yet to try the brisket blend, how do you like it?

Toby, been using the Brisket Blend for about 4 years now, I really like it. First I used it this year as I've been making my Pepper corn rub all year. Didn't have any made and didn't feel like making any so used up the last of the Brisket Blend.
Thanks guys all for the nice comments.
Wow, the flat looks great. Good to see you've got some time off coming. Thinking about cooking a flat over the holiday vacations for sure. I'm actually off the exact same span. I'll have a drink for you this Thursday night!

