Best temp for slicing butt

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Tom Barineau

TVWBB Super Fan
I saw a post on here somewhere that gave the best temps (in that persons opinion) for slicing butts and pulling butts. Anyone recall or know from experience? They are at 172 right now.
Thanks in advance.

Today was our first try at butts. Bought two Smithfield brand in cryo, 8 lbs. each for .89/lb. on sale at a local grocery store. (We like the Smithfield St. Louis style ribs). Did not trim much off of the butts.

Started them at 8:30 this a.m., weather sunny, about 66 with a slight breeze--80 later in the day.

Used the Minion Method and added nothing the entire cook. Took them off at 173 as Mr. Jim suggested, foiled them and let them rest for one hour, then we sampled. Texture seems perfect for slicing and tender enough to be easy to pull if we decide to. Nice and moist, too!

I was pleasantly surprised when they reached 173 in 7 1/2 hours, as we have folks coming tonight, and I was worried they might take longer. Top grill temp stayed right around 245 most of the time. Figure that after trimming before cooking, they were probably 7-7 1/2 lbs. each. Did they cook too fast at 1 lb./hour?

Will let you know my guests opinions.

Thanks again to all of yall.

First butts and I think we hit a home run. Everyone raved over how moist,tender and tasty they were.

Long live Mr. Brown and Mr. Minion!!


-"Season to your taste--and may it be a public one"--Frank McCall (at end of pilau recipe for 100--circa 1930's)
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