Best Butt Yet! Cook change a coincidence?


Jason B

Hey folks,

Over Easter weekend I cooked an 11 llb butt which turned out fabulously. VERY tender, juicey, perfect bark etc....

One thing that happened: around 9am Sunday morning after having had the butt on since 4:30pm Saturday I was in a bit of a pickle because my internal temp was only 183 and I needed to head out to Easter services. Well, I double wrapped the butt in HD foil and tossed it in a 200* oven. I got back from Church around 1pm or so and took the butt out and placed in cooler for another 2.5 hours before pulling it. WOW it was amazingly tender. The bone slid right out from the meat and the bark was tasty and just the perfect consitency.

You guys think this was thanks to the 3 or so hours in foil at such a low temp??

If so this might become my standard operating procedure.

BTW- I also used a new rub, Bad Byron's Butt Rub. Very impressed with the flavor.
with a butt, I find that foil can speed up the cook, but I don't find that it does much to help the tenderness and moisture. There's so much fat already in it that it does it pretty well on its own. My guess is that if you left in it your smoker until it reached around 195, you'd find that it was just as tender. In fact, pulling the bone clean out of the meat is the true test of whether it is done or not.

All that said, foil does speed up the time and doesn't seem to hurt the product at all if done toward the end of the cook.

Congrats on a great Easter cook.
Jason, I will pull the bone out of a butt to make sure it's done, and I don't foil. Once it's up to around 195 interenal, that bone should slip out with little resistance and be clean as a whistle.
My experience, and that of others I'm sure, is that foiling butts speeds up cooking time at the expense of bark. I've done them both ways, according to the dictates of the given situation, and differences in overall moisture and tenderness are virtually undetectable. Either way, anywhere after 195° is usually good for me.

