Bessie fired up & cooking

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New member
Hi all...started my first cook. Have a question. Were do you put the chimney starter while it's starting? I am using the Minion method. I have 2 slabs of spares cooking. The temp is dead on 250 with all 3 vents closed using candy therm. It's been steady for 15 minutes no real breeze and outside temp around 40. I think I used to much coal to begin with. Using 1 oak and 2 apple wood pieces. Wife already compaining about smell in the house. Oh well ...
Need advice quick...temp dropping 225 and small amount of smoke coming out of door. I opened the 3 vents about 25%. Any suggestions??
Don't worry about the smoke coming out of the door. Not unusual. I would open my vents more, say 50%. When you see your temp start to climb, back them off a little to stabilize around 250. You should be ok between 225 and 265 - not so critical.

If you're doing spares, it may take 7 hrs. Test with a toothpick between the bones. Of course, you can speed it up by foiling later.

Good luck. Relax and enjoy.

My WSM always leaks around the door a little. I had a tendency to futz with the lower vents, trying to micro manage the temp. Once the WSM settles in, its real stable in temp. Relax..... no biggie..... +- 25 degrees to the temp you want....I assure you it will be better than any thing you have ever had at a restruant. I have not tried the foil method yet, would be intrested in you results.
Welcome Karl.
Living is learning. The advice freely given on this site is just that. Advice gained from personal obversation.
Light the chimney on the charcoal grate. When coals are ready move them to a fire retarded area. I use a cast iron frying pan. Place the fresh coal in the smoker and add the lit on top. Get a set of good long tongs to pick out the lit and place evenly on the unlit.
The Only time I run with bottom vents closed is to snuff out the fire at the end of a cook, or periodically in windy conditions (have fun with that).
My door leaks smoke all the time but it has never been an issue. The better half (my son) thinks it's great. More smell in the house /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
Live and learn. I experiment with my WSM at times just to see the results, but then I'm a curious kinda guy.
Don't get wound up about the little things. There are no conditions that can't be overcome in 10 minutes, short of flame out.
Good luck and keep posting /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
thanks guys...just lifted the lid for the first time after 3&1/4 hours. I put on some apple juice to give some moisture. They look dried out. How long should I go before checking temp and what is ideal temp to pull off?

As far as where you put your chimney to start it--I place mine on the charcoal grate of my kettle if I'm not too lazy to un-cover it. If I'm using the MM--which I do most of the time--I might sit it on the grate of the WSM and when it is ready, put it on something metal or concrete out of the reach of kids/pets while I put unlit charcoal in the ring. (If kids or pets are present and you sit it someplace low, you might consider just slipping the WSM middle section around it just long enough to pour your un-lit coals into the ring.) The safest bet would probably be to sit it in the kettle or any other grill that you can sit it down into. Wind can make ashes fly and that sucker DOES get HOT!!
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