Beer Can Turkey???


George Roth

TVWBB Member
Has anyone used a beercan type procedure to cook a turkey in the WSM? I was thinking about using my standard BRITU rub and two half cans under an upright bird, etc., using only the bottom grate over the water pan.

Has anyone tried it?


I've never done on before, however, with regards to the can, look in your grocery store or favorite store which stocks different beers and find a some Foster's Beer from Australia. There can is quite large and would probably be just what you need for a turkey.
I've done a beer can turkey.
Used a commercial beer can stand for turkeys that I found at WalMart.
I add 1 Tblsp rub, 2 - 3 cloves minced garlic to a half can of cheap beer. (The good stuf's too good to waste!)
Usually turns out fine, but getting the skin crispy is a challenge.
Don't have or can't find a stand? Foster's is a good alternative.
Lots of discussion available.

