Beef Round Bottom?


Chris Mueller

New member
We have been trying to empty our freezer and I pulled out a chunk of meat that says "beef round bottom." What exactly is this, what can I do with it and can I smoke it? lol
Bottom round is a cut from the round (top round, knuckle [aka sirloin tip], and rump being other round cuts) which is the upper hind leg of beef. It's fairly lean as it possesses less in the way of interior soft fat and connective tissue. It's often used for 'roast beef' and you can roast it or smoke-roast it for same (keeping its finish internal on the low side and slicing thinly for service); you can low/slow smoke it to a higher internal (slicing it after its rest and immediately placing the slices into flavorful homemade stock); or you can make pit beef.
I have never seen it labeled that way before. I have always seen Bottom Round roast. I use it to make beef jerkey sometimes. I usually buy the leanest cut that I find on sale. Half the time it's the bottom round. It has so little marbling that most people over cook it, hate it, and don't buy it again.

I have smoked it in the past. I would recomend you smoke it for 2ish hours. Then place it in a foil pan and cover tightly with foil.Stick a probe in it and cook it to desired doneness. I like 125-130 degrees. It will still be pretty pink but sliced thin it's makes a fabulous sandwich. Of course it all depends how big the thing is. If it's a small roast 2-3 pounds, it will probably be done it 2 hours.

