beef ribs


Ashley Ruthstrom

TVWBB Member
I'm going to make an attempt at beef ribs this weekend. I have been trying to do some homework on the best way to smoke them but have not really found much. My biggest question is time and temp. I was just going to go with the 3-2-1 method and see what happens. Is this a good way for starters or am I way off?
Beef ribs look great here but I've only done them once.....about 15 years ago and they seemed greasy. Then I did a standing rib roast after joining this site & I saved the (or a) rib(s) and ate it later.... it was like a ribeye on a stick so I was thinking why not high heat indirect.

From what I've seen it looks like most people cook them similar to spares.
i did beef ribs and they were dynamite! Chris also does beef ribs and explains a smoke step by step under cooking topics.

They will cook longer than BBs, I went about 6 hours at 225. Well worth trying!
Ashley what type of beef ribs were you going to cook spares or short? Spares are very hard to find with meat still left on them most of the time shiners is all you can find, short ribs have plenty of meat on them, i would choose short over spares unless you find some meaty spares good luck on that.
Beef ribs have a lot of natural flavor so a simple rub of kosher salt, cracked pepper, cumin and some garlic is all you need.
As for cook times just cook to tender how ever that long is, sometimes its 2.5-3.5 hrs and other times its 3.5+ hrs, just cook to tender and every thing will take care of itself. Good Luck...

