Beef ribs & pork ribs at same time

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Pete D.

TVWBB Member
I'm such an idiot!

My regular butcher only had 3 slabs of pork spare ribs, I needed 4. I bought what he had and then went to a different butcher for the last slab. I started prepping for tomorrows cooking and noticed the new butcher gave me beef back ribs instead of pork spares. Aargh!

Of course, I'll just tell my friends that I decided to give them some variety. Reading the recipes on this site, it seems the cooking times and temps are about the same. Has anyone had experience cooking these two together? Would it matter which was on the top rack of a WSM?

Hi, Pete,

I've never tried beef ribs on the WSM (so I'm sure some knowledgeable person will chime in) but I just made some SENSATIONAL ones on a regular weber kettle, basted with a hoisin sauce (from one of Steven Raichlen's books). They were OUTSTANDING.

I believe I cooked two slabs of those dinosaur ribs in indirect heat for 2 hours or a bit more. Boy were they good!
I have not cooked both at the same time on the WSM. I did on the Weber kettle a while back. They were nice except the beef ribs did not have much meat at all. I also used too much "mesquite". The beef ribs on the WSM were good, but again not meaty. I hope the ones you bought unknowingly are meaty.

I think they will cook well together because the time frames are similiar. Just test for tenderness like you normally do - receding from the bone and toothpick sliding in easily between the bones.

I would put the pork spares on the top rack because I suspect they will do a better job of basting than vice versus.

Good luck with your cook.

I love beef ribs and have done them numerous times on the WSM. They need to be really meaty to start as the "shrinkage" is amazing.I did do both one time and found that the beef ribs tend to finish a little sooner than pork and are less forgiving. When they are done they are done and I get them off the WSM pronto. I left them on once too long only to find them dry and down to the bone.
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