Beef Chuck Roll

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Bruce Bissonnette

Got a nice 7.5 lb. beef roast on the WSM now that came from a 30lb'er that my neighbor got for me. Slathered with mustard and rubbed with Bad Byron's ButtRub. Been on since 10a.

Loaded 3/4 charcoal chamber with Kingsford and then lit a 1/2 chimney of Roayal Oak Lump and poured it on with 3 chunks of oak. Haven't used lump with the Minion Method before. Let you know how it turns out.
I foiled the roast at 4pm with an internal of 161. I opened the bottom vents to 50% and the grate temp rose to 268. At 6pm the internal temp was 194, I pulled, wrapped in towel, and placed in cooler. Will let it rest for about 45 minutes and then din-din. It smells incredible.

I sprayed at the halves with a combo of apple juice, beef broth and worcestershitre sauce. (2:1:1/2)
I'm interested to hear how a beef roast prepped with mustard and a butt rub-- stuff usually used on pork-- comes out.

Do I denote a tone of doubt in your written word...never fear. Seriously though, the bark was not as, let's say well formed, as you would see on a pork butt. It pulled mostly in chunks then shredded fine once you got the chunks. It was very tender and extremely moist. Good smoke flavor but not overwhelming. Used a little BBQ Shack sauce and they were very good.

Update: 10/31/03 Lunch Time: Drizzled some breef broth over it, nuked it for 1 1/2 minutes, then drizzled some Blues Hog sauce with Tabasco Chipolte sauce...OH MY GOD. Excellent today, much more pronounced smoke flavor and this sauce is jsut great. I've got enough left overs to get me through Halloween. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

LOL... Sounds great... I never heard of "Blues Hog sauce with Tabasco Chipolte sauce"... Is that a brand name???

You need to go into Advertising ...I can see it now..."Ex-cop makes millions advertising Blues Hog sauce"...


bugg /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif ...daydreaming again
Bruce, I agree. I positively love Bill's Blues Hog sauce, and the Chipoltle Tabasco does add another dimension to its heat. Blues Hog makes supermarket sauces taste wimpy in comparison. I use his rub (and, yes, a mustard slather) on most anything whether it cackles, moos, or oinks. I don't argue with the "oooooohhhh daaaaaammmmmnnnn" response when someone tastes my cooking - when I hear that, I know I'm doing something right. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif I use the Head Country products too, but that Blues Hog is my favorite. Oh, and thanks for reminding me. I need to get another order in to him...

Thank you, Bill Arnold!!!

Keri C
Smokin on Tulsa Time
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