Beef Back Ribs


Mike Williams

TVWBB Member
I picked up 4 racks of Beef Back Ribs today since my local market didn't have anything else. I assumed that they are similar to pork loin backs so I treated them that way (with a pork suited rub).

They came out OK, a little dry and not nearly as tender as pork, but there aren't any leftovers so something went well. Overall this was my first time cooking beef ribs, and I liked it - not to mention that they were $1.50 / lb (not on sale).

Since they are that cheap I'm going to keep getting them for fun and do some experimenting. Looking back I should have gone with a brisket rub, but I'm getting brisket flavored out (way too much lately and I'm starting to get a Texas accent). Anyone have any good ideas or sure fire methods to share?


I often foil them at the end with reduced wine and seasoning. Then, for service, I cut them into double ribs and I like topping them with a bread crumb-based gremolata (instead of the typical lemon zest I often use orange or sour orange) and running them under the broiler briefly--just long enough so the bread crumbs color and crisp. Nice contrast to the soft meat.

The rubs I make for beef ribs are not very barbecue-y. They are usually herb-based with a few key spices or I make garlic/onion-based paste rubs with dry herbs and a spice or two--depending on what I'm making to go with them. I use no sugar in the rubs for beef ribs as I find the meat sweet enough.

They are fun to play with.
I have difficulty in my area getting any beef ribs with meat. They sell for $1.50/lb but they are all shiners.


You're right - I often get too wrapped up in BBQ to notice there are other flavors out there that go great with a low and slow application. I almost never cook chicken with a BBQ flavor, but I don't cook it on anything other than a BBQ or Smoker. I think I'll try an Citrus/Asian influence for the next round using a paste rub.

Thanks for the input.


I did have a hard time finding 2 packages that had enough "meet on the bones" to have any substance. All in all they were not the best, but not bad and worth getting again purely for the experimentation options.



