Beef Arm Roast


Brian B.

My neighbor purchased a 1/2 cow from a customer of his and needs some help "disposing" some of the roasts and other non steak cut pieces. There are two that I would like some advice on, as I haven't smoked them before.

The first is a beef arm roast. It looks like this is essentially a piece of chuck, so is my best bet to do pulled beef (or Larry's Pepper Stout)?

The other pieces are labeled as "round" I'm assuming these are round steaks that would need to be braised in some way, but open to suggestions.

There was also one glorious tri-tip that my neighbor didn't realize was going to be awesome.

Thanks for the help.
Yea, the arm is from the chuck so treat it like a chuck roast, pulled beef, PS beef, pot roast, or Italian pulled beef.
I use round steak quite alot, do them hot and fast (after cutting into serviceable pieces, jaccard or tenderize with a mallet) and they make a decent steak.
Otherwise I use them for swiss steak, smothered steak, stroganoff or Mexican shredded beef.


