Beans in WSM


Ken Grove

TVWBB Member
Searched and can't find a definitive answer...

I'm itching to invent a bean recipe to cook on the WSM. I was thinking about cooking them for 6-8 hours underneath a couple pork butts to pick up a bit of the flavor from the drippings as well as some good smokey flavor. Separately I've read that you can't use the water from the water pan - tastes like ***. Does that mean that beans cooked open inside the WSM for that long will similarly taste bad? Smokey flavor = good. Ashtray = crap.

Interested in hearing your experiences cooking open foods like beans in the WSM and whether it imparts a clean smoke flavor or a dirty, sooty taste.
We use Bush's grillin beans with Blackburn syrup instead of brown sugar and either left over pulled pork or brisket. Since its got left over q meat we don't put under. Usually 2-3 hrs is plenty.
Thats just what my wife and myself did about 35 yrs ago we came up with a bean recipe we like . And so has just about everyone thats tried them . Ive done them in a oven on a grill and 4 4 or 5 diffrent smokers and the wsm always in a cast iron pot . we luvem they start with regular ol Bushes baked beans but we add a pile a stuf to them green pepper onion garlic some hot sauce and if there for a bunch a rowdy drinken guys I will add some form of a hot pepper and now and then I put a small amount of brisket or PB kina chunked up in them . Cookem in the WSM under a couple a pork butts and you have bean heaven .

Has worked for us for yrs but ymmv .
How much oil gets in them when cooking under butts? Any need to monitor or limit the amount of oil/grease allowed in? Obviously I want some, and in fact nearly any good bean recipe includes bacon or similar precisely for the grease, but I don't want to overdo it and end up with a super greasy mess.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Ken Grove:
How much oil gets in them when cooking under butts? Any need to monitor or limit the amount of oil/grease allowed in? Obviously I want some, and in fact nearly any good bean recipe includes bacon or similar precisely for the grease, but I don't want to overdo it and end up with a super greasy mess. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

i usually don't put the beans under butts until i guesstimate i have 3-4 hours left. sometimes i get more fat on top of the beans than i like, but it sits on top of them and i just skim it off. with ribs i usually wait until 2 hours into the cook to put the beans on.
I cook beans in the WSM all the time. Since I don't have a lot of free time to bbq I usually foil. I take the beans off when foiling the meat. So they are usually on for at least 3 hours. Never had them come out too greasy. They are always a hit, no matter what recipe I use.
I hate grease and we put ours on under the butts about 3 or 4 hrs befor the butts are done ! meaning the end of the cook . So most of the dripping is done BEFOR the beans go on ! They get a little but not enough to makem a greasse mess IMHO . If I think they might get to much I just slide the ci lid on the pot after a while .

