BBRs got too dark when not > 260 lid / Meathead's Memphis Dust (MMD)


Monty House

I normally cook all my ribs L&S, but, yesterday, I needed to crank out some ribs while a brisket sat in its faux cambro. I wanted them done in about 4 hours, so I got three nice, smallish BBR racks. I rubbed with veg oil, then MMD, and cooked no higher than 260 lid temp in my WSM. In four hours, they came out very dark. I did spritz 2 or 3 times with 100% apple juice, but I'm doubtful that was enough to cause sugar to burn. Obviously, MMD is heavy on sugar--both brown and white.

Anybody else use MMD on higher heat rib cooks?

PS Ribs turned out done & tasty--finished with Danny Gaulden's glaze. But, they were too dark, appearance-wise. Looked almost borderline burnt.
It's been a while sine I used that rub, but if I recall there were a walnut color when finished. I try to use a bright red paprika and not that of chili powder in color. Seems to help some
Craig's MMD rub has a ton of sugar, and when I used to use his in the past (used to use a batch of his recipe every week or two) I'd never let it get over about 225. Many may have no trouble with it, but for me the time or two I did a higher-heat cook it tended to caramelize the sugars in that rub a bit much for me at 250 or greater. Just my personal experience, others may have had success.
I've used it also. Typically I cook BBRs around 275 degrees. They do turn out dark, but they sure are tasty.

