BBQ sauce help needed


Jerry P.

TVWBB Super Fan
I'm working on an espresso bbq sauce. I think I have the flavor I want but the sauce is thicker than I'd like.

What can I do to thin it out without changing the flavor?
Easy as that, huh? Thanks for the quick reply, Kevin. I'll probably post the recipe tomorrow and I'd love to get feedback from everyone.
Usually, yes. If the flavors are right you don't want to add anything that will skew them one way or the other. Water will make it thinner, and can thin the flavors, but they should remain intact. A little salt will bring them back up.

I've always worried that adding something simple like water would just dilute the taste. I ended up using something sweet like apple juice in sweet sauces and a water/vinegar mix in more acidic sauces. It's interesting to hear that salt would enhance the flavours to the point where the water would act as a simple thinner. Thanks.


