BBQ for 50


Todd French

New member
Hi all,
I'm a new guy here. Just a quick question. I'm doing pork butt for 50 adults next week. I need to know how much pork butt I should smoke for that many people. I have a weber smoker and also how long should the butts cook and any other advice you think I might need. This is for my work picnic so it needs to be good. thanks for the help
Lots of info here. Start at the Cooking tab above and then click on the butt recipes. You can also hit the Find button and do a search that way for threads about butt.

Briefly, I'd do 5-6 butts. I'd also do them early, 2 overnight cooks, rest them and pull when still hot. Cool, freeze, and re-heat the day of. Far less strssful.

Welcome to the board.
If you estimate that each guest will consume anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 pound of pork each (less if you serve other meats), for 50 people you'll want to end up with 12-25 pounds of finished product. To achieve that end, you'll need to start with 21-42 pounds of fresh pork butt. You would be best off cooking in advance, pulling, freezing, and reheating the day of the picnic, unless you want to show off a little and do a couple of them so they finish around picnic time. One session of 3 7-pound butts will take anywhere from 12 to probably 15 hours, including firing up and getting things up to target cooking temp-- two sessions like that if you opt to cook the max. While it is physically possible to do 6 butts in one session, that's an ambitious task even seasoned WSM users would likely avoid. The good thing is that-- of all BBQ meats-- pulled pork reheats the most easily, with a quality nearest to just-cooked.

