Nick Cosby
I'm in preparations for a Fathers Day smoke and am gonna do a Coffee Cardamom Brisket, and have done quite a bit of digging and reading on this target rub, but still have questions for those that have done this cook before and any input in general on this.
When cooking this do you have to use the oil? I'm wanting to not use oil, for I think if cook low and slow it'll take longer and may impact flavoring and rendering of fat cap.
Has someone done a full Low and Slow with this Recipe (with or without oil)? How did it turn out?
Those that I have read that do this recipe didn't mention a Baste or Spritzing during their cook which most of the cooks on this recipe were High Heat to Medium Heat cooks and had some or all of the oil asked for. Or am missing the fact that they/ya'll did baste or spritz.?
I'm wanting to do this low and slow, so as to not rush this cook.
When cooking this do you have to use the oil? I'm wanting to not use oil, for I think if cook low and slow it'll take longer and may impact flavoring and rendering of fat cap.
Has someone done a full Low and Slow with this Recipe (with or without oil)? How did it turn out?
Those that I have read that do this recipe didn't mention a Baste or Spritzing during their cook which most of the cooks on this recipe were High Heat to Medium Heat cooks and had some or all of the oil asked for. Or am missing the fact that they/ya'll did baste or spritz.?
I'm wanting to do this low and slow, so as to not rush this cook.