basting ribs with apple juice and butter?


Jeff H

New member
Does anyone see any downfall to using melted butter along with the apple juice for basting and putting inside the foil during foiling?

Once I think I put some butter on too early and it turned the outside a little mushy, which is obviously undesirable. Just curious if this is why it isn't done more frequently?
I see no need to baste ribs so I don't.

A fat baste or a fat-based baste can tend toward a softer finish if the ribs are cooked at low temps (I don't cook ribs at low temps).

If I foil I do use a juice blend in the foil, mostly concentrated (reduced) juices, and I do so to add a flavor layer.

I don't see a reason for basting at low/slow temps--or even at higher temps--especially if you are going to foil, so I would suggest not bothering. Simply add the flavor components you wish to boost or add when you foil and skip the basting all together.

