"Barbeque" Dutch Oven?

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MikeH AZ

New member
I just purchased my first smoker 3 weeks ago and thanks be it to this web site and all of your posts, I made the right chose and bought the WSM. Thanks also to all the great info on this page, when I bought my first butt two weeks ago I had read so many great information and tips off this site that I felt like I had already done this before! My family and I went camping last week, and guess what? So did my WSM. I planed to try some ribs for the first time but it was too rainy and windy for my confidence level with my new toy…So I started to think about what to do with my ribs now… WSM to the rescue!!! (But not as you would think) I pulled out my two 12" Dutch Ovens (one reg. and one deep) assembled the bottom and middle sections of the WSM with the charcoal grate and the ring as they should be placed in smoking. Then I placed the water pan directly on top of the charcoal ring. I then got my coals ready and arranged a few of them on the water pan (w/HD foil) and slid the Dutch Oven with the ribs inside the WSM, perfect fit!!! After time, I then slid in a 2nd oven full of rolls on top of the other oven. I know this is not a Dutch Oven forum but, I was just so excited about my WSM not only being a great smoker, but an awesome windscreen for my D.O.'s!!! I will add a link to some pics of my first smoke, the "BB-Q'd D.O." and some of my other outdoor cooking…Any feedback would be great. Thanks again for all the advice, tips, friendly atmosphere, and funny comments.
Mike Haman
Tempe, AZ
P.S. I promise you are all safe, this will be the longest post you will ever see from me.LOLhttp://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?p=999&gid=4905389&uid=432573
Not bad at all. Sorry to hear how the elements affected your confidence level. It would have affected mine also. Sometimes you have to improvise. Keep queing.
Cool, grate idea (pun intended)!

Yah, the WSM makes a good windbreak for starting a chimney as well, I've had to do that a few times on windy/rainy days.
Boy..that's new twist on the WSM...I always wanted to try Dutch Oven cooking.......

Is that a "Super Soaker" in the pre rub shot? Is it for "flame control"?

I imagine you can cool down a fire from about 100 feet while sitting in your lounge chair taking it easy....
I,ve bee known to get carried away in the flame department. My wife bought one of thoes decrative "Chimanea's" (sp?) I got it cherry hot with a three foot flame out the top
The next day we went outside to find a pile of Adobe crumbs where once stood my wifes Chimanea! I laughed all the way to the couch that night
So, yes that is my Super Soaker" because sometimes with a squirt bottle the shorter distance would be to much of a risk.

Good thing they just ask me to be the local Scoutmaster!!!
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