Bad rib roast



TVWBB Super Fan
well, for Christmas i posted about how great my rib roast turned out, it was outstanding despite a few challenges. For New Yrs, it didn't work out so well. I wasn't really in charge but did help keep track of the temps w/ my thermapen. The bottom line, ran the Roaster Oven at 350 w/ two 8 lbs roasts and while i was probing the middle and pulled at 128, it was only the center that was pink, it was brown and over cooked everywhere else. Very disappointing, though not terrible. The cook time was 3 hrs and very little pink to pick from.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Davidd:
well, for Christmas i posted about how great my rib roast turned out, it was outstanding despite a few challenges. For New Yrs, it didn't work out so well. I wasn't really in charge but did help keep track of the temps w/ my thermapen. The bottom line, ran the Roaster Oven at 350 w/ two 8 lbs roasts and while i was probing the middle and pulled at 128, it was only the center that was pink, it was brown and over cooked everywhere else. Very disappointing, though not terrible. The cook time was 3 hrs and very little pink to pick from. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>Davidd,

I too have a themapen and have had that happen to me on steaks. I've found that it usually comes from too much heat i.e. the meat cooking too fast. Since the sensing area is so small at the tip of the pen, you have to be sure to take readings from the outside to center also.

Hope this helps
Yes, i thought about that, the roast was moved from the fridge to the cooker w/in 30 min. I let mine sit out for 2 to 2.5 hrs before cooking at 225. I didn't buy or cook this roast or would have done it similar to the way I cooked mine so couldn't influence a lot wanted to learn something from it.
I have cooked several rib roasts in the past with varying results. I did a bone in 5 pounder this year at 225 F. I have concluded that this is the best temperature if you are looking for a medium rare/medium roast all the way through. I covered it with foil and cooked it to 125 F internal. It took about 3 hours (35 min/pound). I then double wrapped it in foil, then wrapped with a towel and placed it inside a cooler for an hour. I then unwrapped it and placed it under the broiler to char the fat cap. It turned out perfect. I did not set it out to get to room temp before cooking, but I certainly think that's a good idea (especially for a large roast). The other main issue that I have had in the past is time. Sometimes it took longer for it too cook than I expected (which is not good for a large hungry crowd). I recommend putting the roast on early and using the holding method that I described above. Give yourself some extra time. It will easily hold for a couple of hours. This also will free up the oven for some extra sides. Hope this helps.

