Bad propane tank or regulator, need some help


Bob Hunter

I have question for those of you who use gasser. Last week while grilling I ran out of propane bone dry. Next day I went down to my local station and traded in my cylinder for another. When I brought it home connected it up and slowly open the valve I got no gas flow to my burners. I figured I had opened it too fast and the OPD kicked in. Next day I returned the tank and got another one. Having the same problem with this one. What are the chances I got two tanks in a row that have bad valve in them? I have tried everything I can think of to get my grill working.
<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Disconnected the tank<LI>opened all the valves on the BBQ<LI>Closed the valves on the BBQ<LI>Reconnected Tank<LI>Cracked the valve on the tank and waited 20 minutes<LI>Opened the valve on the tank all the way[/list]

Stil no gas flow. Could it be my ragulator?
One thing I have noticed is that even when the tank is open the regulator / part that goes into the tank seems loose. And when I close the tank valve and unscrew the regulator from the tank I don't even get a little bit of gas leak from where the connection goes.

Need some help here, thanks
Fixed -

I had to go over to Home Depot to pick up some Kingfords and while I was there I got talking to one of the guys there, he had no clue but told me I should go ahead and buy the regulator and try if it. If it didn't make a difference I could return it. Turns out to have fixed the problem.

BTW - that sucks buying Kingsford B when its not on sale. I usually stock up on Memorial day and Labor day when HD has it on sale for less than $9 for the 2 20lb bags. I haven't had to buy it anyother time of the year. Well I ran out last week and needs some more and ended up paying $18.00 for the 2 20lb bags.
I can't wait for it to go on sale again.
I'm glad you got it fixed. Once I read you had little bit of a gas leak I was worried. With pretty much any modern appliance or piece of machinery, if it is leaking something, that's a problem.
Jerry, there wasnt a leak. What meant to say was that I wasn't even get any propane trapped between the Regulator and the valve on the tank. It was like the OPD on the tank wasnt even opening at all. Which is exactly what it was. For some reason my regulator would tighten enough onto the bottle, but the new does so I'm good.
I love it when you Yanks complain about the price of charcoal. RO runs about $12 for an 18lb? bag here and Wicked Good is over $20. I find it easier to find lump than to find briquettes here.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Bob Hunter:
Jerry, there wasnt a leak. What meant to say was that I wasn't even get any propane trapped between the Regulator and the valve on the tank. It was like the OPD on the tank wasnt even opening at all. Which is exactly what it was. For some reason my regulator would tighten enough onto the bottle, but the new does so I'm good. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I see. I was wondering why you didn't really seem to act like it was a problem. Now I understand. Glad it worked out.

