May as well fill you in on the rest. At 2.5 hours it dropped to 150, so I took a peak at the coals and they were looking a bit sparse and there were some isolated unlit pieces of charcoal and wood that had fallen out of the ring or whatever. So I pushed things together, threw a bit more charcoal on, and closed it back up.
Basically with the new momentum it ramped up to 190, then drifted back down to 160 over the next two hours, then settled out at 160 until the bacon was done, a little less than 5 hours total. After the first 15 minutes I never touched the vents.
I'll slice it tomorrow.
Oh, and I forgot to put water in the pan, but luckily I also forgot to take out my saucer so that helped with the stability. 22" WSM. The original belly was 11.5 pounds but less after trimming and skinning.