Ron Frost
I am making my first attempt at bacon and using the Charcuterie book recipe as a guide. I have a fresh 10 pound pork belly that I have been curing in the fridge since last Saturday. In the book it recommends 1/4 cup or 25 grams of dry cure per 3 - 5 pounds of meat. A little later it says to use 50 grams per 3 - 5 pounds of meat. I always use 28 grams = 1 ounce as a conversion so I am thinking 56 grams of cure per 3 - 5 pounds? I added only 50 grams to start with and by Sunday evening it did not appear to be giving off much liquid (it is in a big 2 gallon zip lock bag). I then noticed the difference in recommended quantities of cure so I added another 60 grams to the original 50 grams of cure and shook it around in the bag. This seems to be a very sparse amount for that much meat. I recently saw a blog from Ruhlman that recommends 5% of the total belly weight as a recommended amount of cure so (10 lbs. * 16 ozs. * 28 g) * .5 (5%) = 2,240 grams? That is way more than I have added (only about 110 grams) and it still does not look cured and is not giving up much liquid after 4 days. Maybe 1 or 2 cups of liquid at most.
Should I leave it alone? Add more cure? Any input would be appreciated.
Should I leave it alone? Add more cure? Any input would be appreciated.