Backs vs. Sides


James Harvey

I've been doing mostly backs recently. I use a 3-1-1 method adding a little brown sugar, agave and apple juice when foiling. I just did a single rack of sides same way and they came out of the foil overdone with a chewy bark. Anybody know why? Flavour was fine but the chewy bark was an issue.
What makes you think they were overdone? Meat fall right off the bone?

Or did it cling well to the bone but seem dry?
Bones literally fell out when I unfoiled. I was at 275 for 3 hours and then foiled for 1 (doing the Harry Soo). Meat between the bones was mushy but the bark on top was chewy. I was thinking that the addition of the brown sugar and agave might have led to some sort of over-carmelization?
Maybe the agave. Lots of fructose there. Frankly, I'd skip the sweeteners - you can glaze after they come out of the foil or, not my preference but many like it, sauce after foiling. Try one or more juice reductions or one or more of these with the addition of a little reduced stock. (A favorite of mine: somewhat reduced pineapple juice mixed with wither pom molasses or tamarind concentrate.) Just a couple or 3 T for backs, 4-6 for sides, meat down.

Me, I remove from foil when tender in the foil - then return to the cooker unfoiled to restore bark texture. Doesn't take long. (If glazing - I never sauce - I do so after a few minutes unfoiled, just one or two very thin applications with a pastry brush, a very thin veneer, so the bark texture and color comes through.)

