Baby Backs & 1/2 Prime Rib


Jim Hegarty

New member
Hey all!!!!

Happy Mom's day for any mom's that may be out there!!

I am planing to smoke 3 racks of baby backs, and a 7lbs Prime Rib.

Looking for some tips on this combo, so far I've only smoked like items, never mixed and matched, so I am in need of a some great advise on how to pull this off.

Thanks in advance!!!
Hey, Jim. And welcome!

That's a rather extensive cook you have planned there. And we don't even know what you're planning to cook them on!

I'll take the easy way out and 1) assume you have a 22" WSM and 2) assume you've done meats like this before. So no extra explanations on how to cook needed, right? If I'm wrong about that look through the Cooking Topics for the meats and have at it.

As far as these two, I would suggest you start the ribs off a little earlier than you would if doing them alone (say at least a half hour). Then add the roast with adequate time to cook it.

Actually, given the size of that roast, both are likely to require the about the same time, so starting together would work. And if either finishes ahead of time, wrap it in foil and keep it hot in a cooler with towels wrapped around the meat packet.

That's a lot of meat -- I'd also allow at an extra hour ahead of the meal just for overhead. And keep it all warm if needed.

If you will do 3-2-1 for the ribs, you should have them on top -- but remember they will baste the roast (um-m-m). Be sure to stick a remote thermometer in that roast so you don't overcook it.

Anyway -- that's what I'd do. I'm just doing a 4 lb. standing rib -- and I'm using my grill since my wife doesn't want it smoked

Hey Rich,

Sorry for the lack of details, I will be using the 22.5, I've cooked 6 racks at once before, and the first 7lbs of the prime before.

I was worried about the temp, since I cooked them both so different before....what would you recommend for a temp with this cook?

Also, I normmally do not put any water or Apple Juice in my pan, thoughts on this?

Also, I usually use the minion method for coals...not sure if you needed to know that. I will have to look up the 3 2 1, I did use the bend test the last time, but this time the racks are in 1/2's...

Thanks again!!!!


If not using water I would foil after the ribs are nicely colored, should be around the 2.5-3.5 til probe tender between the bones then unfoil for a few min to tighten back up. I would start both at the same time and cook 250-275 and they should be done close to the same time. Load your meats on quickly after pouring the lit on. Pecan would be a nice flavor as far as smoke wood goes for both meats.

